Sunday, July 24, 2011

A very clever Holly

Last week Holly did an intensive swimming program at her swim school.  She did it last term too and absolutely loved it.  Last week though she was in a class with kids a fair bit older than her, a 6 year old, 8 and I think a 10  year old!  This did not faze this little fish at all.  Holly's teacher James, commented and was amazed at how fearless she is in the pool.  I was so proud of her, she tread water for a minute on her own with no aids (and i think she could have easily gone another minute) jumped in the deep end and swam about 10 metres on her own on her front and back unaided.  She did so well that on Friday James gave her her Pink certificate!!! This means she goes up yet another level.  The girls at the front desk (who see a lot of kids go through) were amazed at how quickly she is progressing and said she is well above her age level for swimming!!! Clever little chicken!!! I couldn't stop telling her how proud i was of her, she was more excited though about the lolly pop she got at the end!!!!! Anyway, that's my brag for the day xx

A long weekend with Nanny and Pa

 Last weekend our Nanny and Pa came all the way down (again) to look after us.  Mamma and Daddy had their first little holiday alone in 4 and a half years.  It marked their 5th wedding anniversary!
They went to Daylesford for 3 night and had so much fun, but they said they were very glad to be home to see us.
 Nanny and Pa took us up to the Dandenongs for the morning.
Thanks for looking after us!!!!!! We miss you already xx

Around the house

 Just like Mamma with a baby in her tummy!
 Smoothie Mos

 Some very sour orange juice that we made with Pa from the oranges from our tree.
 Ballerina Harry - this one will save for his 18th!
and maybe this one for his 21st!!!

iPhone snaps ...

 This is Percy Baby, Tink Baby or Batman Baby - or Baby #3! Holly has suggested many names!
This is our 20 week scan last week ... 21 weeks tomorrow! 19 to go ... and yes I am already counting down.  This is proving to be my worst pregnancy!
 I totally forgot that Holly needed a library bag this week.  As I can't walk around the shops we pulled out the machine and some old scrap material and whipped this up.
Holly on her way home from Sienna's 5th bday party (another kinder party)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Friday, July 8, 2011

Gorgeous Holly

 Missy Moo disappreared for ages this morning. She spent a long time picking out her clothes and accessories, and came out looking like this ... isn't she gorgeous!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


 With Mammas bad back, we have all been house bound lately.  We have started baking and cooking as Mamma can sit at the bench and help us.  Yesterday we made cornflake honey cups  ... all by ourselves!

 The finished product ... YUM!
 Then Mamma made a roast beetroot dip for lunch ... Harry devoured a whole bowl of it with a variety of veges. (a much easier way to eat veges and colourful food than leaving it until dinner!)
 Daddy joined Mamma in bed the other day to keep her company, so I pulled up a chair and read them stories and made up some wild stories of my own!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Superstar Nanny!!!

A Big Thank you to our Nanny who flew down to Melbourne to look after us while Mamma rested.  We know we completely wore you out and tested your Nanny capabilities, but we really appreciate it.  We hope you rest up before you come back in 2 weeks!  Love Holly and Harry xx