Lots of school work today, Lucy took 3 times as long as she probably should have. Harru breezes through. Holly was a bit stressed with the workload today and is definitely missing school.
I found a very cheap bike $40 on Facebook marketplace and drive to Epping to pick it up.
Another big walk today and lots of riding in the mud! Happy as little piggies!! Even I had a go!
Today was good! School went well, work went well and then we went to the cafe and park. Kids spent 2 hours on the BMX track going through muddy puddles. They had a ball!! I caught up with mum in FT and Holly left the park early for a walk with Isabella.
Holly made the most morish Anzac wagon wheel slice, I may have eaten more than I should have!
Harry and I went and found some containers to start the mammoth job or colour coding his LEGO! His idea. And to finish off a walk to the park where the kids showed Andrew their forte in the making and rode their bikes on the makeshift BMX tracks.
A successful day of homeschooling! We found our sweet spot today. Modified work and slower pace. I worked until 2.30 then had a nap ... soooo good and I feel so much better after it, mentally exhausted after a big week.
When I woke up the kids had cleaned the WHOLE house!!!! OMG! My day could not have got any better! Now Uber eats for dinner 🙌🏻
Random thing for school?!?! Board games on the deck
Hurry and Luce made times table posters, Holly (by far my easiest student!) did all her work alone and easily. Harry had a meltdown not wanting to read. Then to cool off and shake off the schooling we did a 2.5 hour walk and the kids started making a fort in the bush!
Today we ditched most of the school work and Harru and Lucy did an ANZAC challenge. They had to find out about ANZAC day then make cookies ... alone! I was on work calls the whole time, they did a fantastic job and yummy results!
Briony came for 2 hours.
We went for a massive 2 hour walk this afternoon which was bliss! Oh and some chess and UNO on the tramp!
On a work note I also played a virtual game of UNO with my maths group today! Who would have thought!
Briony came today and helped with schooling- a huge help! Everyone was over school though bumpy the afternoon so we went for a massive 2 hour walk and played on the oval.
Today’s office space was bought to you by - The Master Bedroom!