Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 4 of renovations.
Our amazing Daddy along with his amazing crew, have done such a great job so far. The kitchen went in today, and will be finished tomorrow. the lights are in and the painting has started.
3 weeks until we move in!!!!
I helped Pa today with a spot of painting.

Mamma and Daddy off to the Ray White awards night.

Playing with Nanny

Friday, March 12, 2010

Take a good look people .... because in one hour - this will be ours - and by Monday it will be an empty shell!! Nanny and Pa arrive today and Miles and Uncle Tim all start on the weekend. The kitchen goes in on Tuesday and the tiling starts the end of next week!
Hopefully you won't recognize it when we are done!
We have one month to complete ... wish us luck!
Can you believe this little munchkin is 9 months old in one week??? Where did the last month go???

We all went to the playschool concert on Monday - It was just like on TV, big ted, little ted, humpty and Jemima were all there - we all had so much fun together dancing and singing!

Ivy - isn't she just a doll!

at Grandmas house yesterday

Sunday, March 7, 2010

three little friends out for dinner last night

attitude plus! i am scared what we will have to deal with in 10 years time!

Mamma put lots of little plaits in my hair for bed ... and I woke up like this!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

This afternoon, with not much warning, we had one of the biggest flash storms I have ever seen. We had hail the size of tennis balls, a flooded street, trees down everywhere and car windows and house windows smashed all round our neighbourhood ... full on!!! Have a look, Andrew videoed this on his way home ... not the safest thing to do in a storm while driving .. but good evidence of the aftermath!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Harry and his little friend Alessia at Jells park the other day.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

after a very late night last night - we went to Rye for dinner with the Ibbos - we wandered on in to the guide dogs open day. I was very tired, but once my face was painted, I was full of energy again!
Rainbow Butterfly cousins xx

I now walk Bella when we go for a walk. She even sits for me!

Friday, February 26, 2010

I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but this boy is seriously the happiest little chap around - he is constantly smiling!

Harry squealed like a little girl all afternoon!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Our little mountain goat ate half the grass off the back yard this afternoon!
A true Freeman - he loves his Yum Cha!

as much as I am cringing already that I am posting this photo for the world to see - there was a very similar one posted when Holly was the same age .... take a mental picture, I'm sure I will delete it within 48 hours!

I love having long chats with Nanny, Aunty Pol and Aunty Belinda!

Mamma dressed Harry like this to go to swimming yesterday - Daddy on the other hand smuggled his board shorts out of the house and changed him before swimming lessons!!

Mamma bought me a new red ball today and we spent the afternoon in the yard

Friday, February 19, 2010

My little beauty.
Just a quick update. It looks like Holly was and is allergic to suncream. She may also be allergic to some face creams, so for now, we are just sticking to hats and long sleeves in the sun. Fingers crossed she grows out of this one!

8 months old today

My happy little brother Harry - is such a smilie Pie!

cooking up a storm while Mamma fed Harry this afternoon

Harry is just besotted with Holly. He is intruiged, amazed and totally in love with her.

Off to kindy this morning - do you like my dress Aunty B?

another crazy day with my cousins yesterday
such good friends

and then we fell off the couch!

No, I am not blogging about baby dolls today - this one is Leopard by the way! My daughter is OBSESSED with my camera. She has been for quite some time now. Harry even gave her her very own camera when he was born, but no, mummy one takes a much better picture apparently. My camera is constanly filled with pics like these, and other very random photos. Actually she is quite the budding photographer - a lot of the pictures on here of Andrew and I - Holly has taken - always in frame and well lined up - the only thing that gets to me is the battery is always dead when I want to use the camera!

I have been meaning to blog this photo for ages. It is one of my favourites. Taken in Moama on our annual Australia day holiday. Our two favourite boys xx