Monday, February 18, 2008

Our cheeky little monkey is 13 months old today ... Happy Birthday!!! hehe
hands on your head!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Hello! Yes I know, it has been a long time between drinks. Mummy and Daddy have been very busy renovating. But as of tonight it is all finished and we can go back to life as we know it .... which most certainly will never involve painting.
I have been having lots of fun hanging out with my Nanny, playing with my friends and training with mummy for her Kokoda adventure! Mummy said she will put the renovation photos up over the weekend!
Hanging out at the new house

Yes that is a big bruise on my cheek, and no don't call child services, I wasn't beaten up, I fell off the couch!
Me and Uncle Miles ..... we're friends now!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Im not too far off walking, maybe another month?

Friday, January 18, 2008

Happy Birthday big 1 year old! lots of love Mummy and Daddy (& Bella) xx
at another 1st birthday party today for my friend Hudson

The Greats and the Grands

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My Baptism 13.01.08

My wonderful godparents Aunty Uyen and Uncle Tim

What a little fairy
I just want to eat the icing ... LET ME EAT THE CAKE!!!!
I love my Aunty Katie

Brudders and Seestas
Lucky I didn't fly away with all those balloons ... Uncle Filippo and Aunty Polly did give it a good go though!
Thanks Nanny and Pa for my new bike xx
Me and GG
My gorgeous bohemian cousin

Thursday, January 10, 2008

It was a balmy 41 degrees in the shade here today! VERY HOT!
My very quick thinking mum, grabbed the blow up pool, put it on the deck under the big umbrella and we played in it all afternoon! Mummy said she never wants to go back to work!!!!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

I have been band from being around other kids for a few days as I have a virus and have come out in a nasty looking rash. So mum and dad thought they would take me to chesterfield farm today ... I don't think i can make the animals sick? We had so much fun and saw lots of baby animals and one BIG pig!! xx P.S its only 12 days till I turn ONE!!!!
This was definately not Babe!

Thanks Aunty Uyennie for the loan of these cool toys, i love them!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

gimme gimme gimme more spaghetti!!
What a long day, I took a quick nap in the carpark while mum and dad waited patiently before we went into the restaurant for dinner
Thanks for my cardigan Aunty Belinda ... I love it!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

My very first christmas! Luckily santa found me at Nanny and Pas house on the Gold Coast. We had so much fun. I got very spoilt, loads of presents, fake snow and mummy and daddy had heaps of punch!! It was so good to see everyone and play with my little cousins! Thank you all for making my first christmas so much fun and full of love xx