Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Monday, December 23, 2013

Happy #2 Lulu ❤

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Up the crazy tree

One of the kids favorite things to do at Queenscliff is see the 'crazy tree'. A big ol' fat tree, who's limbs grow back down to the ground and replant themselves looking like more tree stumps. It really is an incredible tree.

I do think though they may have rubbed up against the tree a bit too much, or even taken a bite, there was a whole lot of crazy going in in the drive home!!! 

(And I'm sure it had nothing to do with the chocolate dessert they had after dinner?)

A sunny morning on the beach


Such a perfect morning for a long walk around this blissfully sleepy town

Monday, November 4, 2013

Ear piercing ...

About 2 years ago Holly started asking me if she could get her ears pierced. I know what your thinking, too young, the same thoughts were running through my head. In all honesty though I did think it was a phase and would only last a short time and she would move in to something else. But no, the ear piercing phase turned out to not be a phase at all, but more like a hell bent-tunnel vision of 'I am getting them done, so when can I do it?' Mission.  So after 6 months and then finding out Mia was also desperately wanting hers done to, Katie and I reluctantly put a date on it: Christmas 2013. 
In the back of my head, I actually still thought the novelty would wear off and it would be forgotten. Again I was wrong. For the past 2 months, every day I have been asked by my beautiful girl, when she could get them done.  Finally last week Katie and I could only find one date that worked, the following Saturday. When we told the girls, the screams and squeals were enough to shatter all the glass in a 50m radius! 
So fast forward to Saturday, after a full count Down during the week. We all meet at The piercing shop at chadstone. 
Holly starts to look a little nervous, it's ok, I tell her, you absolutely don't have to do it. She says "no I really want to".  Anyway, 2 nervous wees, a nervous poo and a sickening shade of white that coloured her face, the tears started rolling down her face. My poor baby was so scared. She didn't go through with it. Mia still got hers done.

The best thing that came out if it, And the part that makes me so proud to be this little creatures mum is she doesn't care what other people think or do. She is so resilient to peer pressure and always does what she wants to do. She is not a follower, but a gorgeous 6 year old who is able to think for herself. 

And I adore this about her.

Just to add though, she did con $50 out of Andrew. He offered it to her the week before NOT to get them pierced! She called him straight up and said "Daddy, you owe me 50 bucks!" And he happily paid the money!!!

A long weekend at Queenscliff ... BLISS xx