Saturday, March 1, 2014

Twilight sports carnival

Holly had her Annual Twilight sports carnival last night.  She did so well, getting a 1st, 2nd and 3rd ribbon.
Such a fun night.

Harry and Jason competed in the toddler race, Harry was so excited, he thought he had won (he wasn't far off) he said "I am so excited, this is the best, I have never won anything before in my whole life!!"

around the house

My vege patch has gone mental again! We have loads of tomatos about to go red, we have corn that is looking amazing (first time for corn) and pumpkins that I swear are doubling in size by the day!

 Lucy's favourite game, Hide and seek. She calls it '1 2' and could play it all day. This is her best hiding spot to date, by herself too!

 Shaggers going away dinner, heading back to Ireland, Miss you already xx
 Potato stamping that quickly turned into hand paining!

Fun with Lulu

Now that Harry is at Kinder 3 days a week. Lulu and I have lots of one on one time together. She is loving it and so am I. We go to the park, feed the ducks and Wednesday mornings we go swimming together. Such an awesome age xx

Valentines Day Treat, dinner at home

Crafty time

The whole HU-MAN clan together for the first time in AGES!

Watching Pa sing!

We went to watch Pa sing at the Jazz and Blues festival a few weeks ago. The kids had so much fun dancing!

Harry's First Day at Billanook - 4 year old kinder

What a little champion, he was up and dressed as quick as a flash and ready to roll. 
Harry was pretty excited about his first day but also casually cool and went with the flow. He walked straight in, hung up his bag, kissed me goodbye (and Jeanette) and sat on the mat and had his hand up in the air answering questions with in minutes! Such a beautiful boy xx

Lulu goes into a bed!

With Lulu being the last child and definately no more on the way, we finally got to convert our cot to a mini bed! Lucy loves it and I think feels like a big girl now.  She has been great, doesn't attempt to get out apart from in the morning, and is loving all the doona and pillow to snuggle into!

Queenscliff for Australia Day!

This by far is one of my all time favourite photos of the cousins together! It perfectly sums up the fun they have together! This year we ditched out Moama Australia Day holiday and headed down to Queenscliff for a week instead.  The kids had load of fun, 9 of them slept in the same bed/room and we hardly heard boo from them. A really fun week away xx