Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Finally I have been able to download our September holiday to Bali!

Happy 4th Birthday baby girl ...

My little baby is no longer a baby.  I never thought the day would actually come where we had no more babies in our house!
Lulu, you are the most adorable little girl with a quirky and  feisty personality, you are loving and kind and so much more grown up than your 4 years here.
I love having you as my little friend, by my side every day, you are cooky and crazy and make me laugh (and sometimes drive me to drink!).  I will miss you so so much when you go to school.
You adore Holly and Harry and do a very good job at keeping up with them, you three are your own little gang. I love watching you all with your little 'in jokes' and silly games and humour.
Lulu, you are a great little swimmer and can swim with no floaties, you also love going to gymnastics, but mostly you are happy at home playing with your babies and playing mums and dads. You have a vivid imagination and come up with the coolest little scenarios to act out.
You hate brushing your hair and don't like letting me brush it.  You mostly sleep in your own bed now, but you love to come and snuggle in the morning, you alway wedge yourself up to Dad and squish yourself into his back, it is the cutest thing to see!  You are a definite Mama's girls, but you count the minutes until Dad comes home and get so excited to see him at night or for 'egg sandwiches' at his work after swimming.  I love you will all my being beautiful monkey, you rule the roost and we wouldn't have it any other way!  You are the most strong willed child i have ever met (maybe apart from Ivy!) but I know one day (as Aunry Gabe keeps telling me) I won't have to worry about you, you will be an independent strong girl, with a strong sense of self.
I love you Luce, so much it hurts.
Happy Birthday xx

Freeman family reunion

Happy 4th Birthday Lulu

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Lucy playing real life dress ups!

Sweet baby girl

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Freeman family reunion




A quick trip to Sydney to see Robbie!