Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Basketball boy




Post camping!






Thursday, April 7, 2016

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Good Friday at Grandmas


Monday, March 21, 2016

Ma boy *LOVE*

Poor baby girl

I felt so horribly helpless for Lulu this weekend. On Friday she had an appointment at the dermatologist for her moluscums (a hideous virus this is so hard to get rid of)  This was her second treatment, the first didn't really work but they told me it could take as many as 3 or 4. He put a solution (acid like) on them in a very small dose, the idea is they blister and go away.  Unfortunately she had a reaction and, her entire left underarm blisters horribly out of control.  The poor little monkey was in so much pain, she sobbed for about 6 hours. It was so sore, she wouldn't let me hold her, cuddle her or pick her up.  She didn't scream, she just sobbed asking me to make it stop and make it stop hurting.  It killed me to watch her like this.  By 9pm,  I was crying with her, she then started sobbing "it's all my fault, it's all my fault that your sad too!" Bloody hell, heart strings much!
Luckily she woke up on Saturday morning much better, most had burst overnight and were no longer painful ... thank god! It is very red and raw and still quite a few lumps, fingers cross they disappear soon!