Sunday, November 17, 2019

Happy 8th Birthday Luce!

Happy birthday to our beautiful baby girl! 8 years has flown by and you have grown up to be the most happy, fun loving fiery and loveable 8 year old! We love you so much, you are smart and very very funny and quirky and awesome. We just think you are great and couldn't imagine life without you.  You love playing dolls, and schools and are quite happy to play for hours in the playroom (as long as no one is watching you!) You absolutely adore Holly and Harry and when you aren't fighting you play beautifully together (usually imaginative play) You like school, you really enjoy maths and your friends. You love swimming and recently swam a lap of the 50m pool and decided you wanted to be a swimmer! You love playing netball with your lovely team and have some beautiful friends.  You still call me Mama (melts my heart) and Dad - Dada.
You are are hot headed and but calm down as quickly as you can lose it!  You have so much empathy and compassion you sometimes don't know how to channel it.  You cry in TV commercials or any movie that is remotely sad! You adore your cousins and you and Ivy have just started to not fight like brother and sister when we catch up but instead immerse yourselves in each other company.  We just love you to pieces darling girl and we are so proud of the truly beautiful girl you are becoming.
We hope you had the very best 8th birthday - I'm pretty sure this smile speaks for itself!

Ready for an 8 year old!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

School Camp

I didn't get any photos but Harry left today for Lake Dewar year 4 camp.  He was so excited to go he was bursting at the seams this morning.
I miss him already and can't wait to see him on Friday

* someone just sent me this one!!
You had the best time ever and loved every moment!!!

Sunday, November 3, 2019


Paradise falls

Paradise falls hike