Monday, March 30, 2020

Lockdown day 7

Today we have been advised by the state government that we are in stage 3, this means we must stay home unless absolutely necessary. We can go for a walk but that’s it.
Today Holly won the Freeman Kindness Project and picked LED lights for her room.
Harry was off to a flying start, he made Easter cookies for Andrews work, made my bed and cleaned out the Tupperware drawer! 
Holly gave Lucy a makeover, put pink (chalk) foils in her hair! I went for a big walk this morning, I woke up feeling a bit flat. We walked to the cafe for a coffee and that was about it! 

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Lockdown day 6

Day 6 , Harry cooked dinner, we played a game of tennis, Macy and I went for. A big hour walk and we all watched a movie. 

Lockdown day 5

A slow day at home, Andrew worked from home for most of the morning. We went for a walk for coffee and Holly did some interval training on the way. We tried house party with the Vicos and Norrie’s and failed dismally! Resorted to a nice long FT call with Pol and another with Loredana for her birthday. 
We drank 2 bottles of rose which sent me to sleep very early last night!! 

The kindness project is going well!!!

Friday, March 27, 2020

Lockdown day 4

Lockdown day 4 - I left early to do the grocery shopping, heading to Knox at 8am. Eerily quiet, and 90% of retail closed. On a plus, I did get toilet paper and paper towel (a rare commodity at the moment!). We FaceTime Mum for her 69th birthday and spoke to Aunty Marg. The kids FaceTime cousins - Marley and Chilli mostly. We went for a walk to a local tennis court and had a quick hit, although it was pretty hot so will try later in the arvo tomorrow. The bobcat came and scraped away the old shed slab and to get ready for more concrete. We are at over 3000 cases in Australia now and 13 deaths. 13 days ago we were at 400. Let’s hope this lockdown slows things down.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Lockdown day 3

Day three was a little easier than day 2. 
Lots of building again outside, creations are endless and providing hours of fun! Holly finishes her English assignment, which means she is homework free soen2 weeks!
Gabe dropped over some flour (thank god) and clay for the kids. Kids stood on opposite sides of the road and talked with masks on! 
Treasure hunts and drawing. I got some work done and we went for our afternoon walk to the cafe. Some thoughtful person drew rainbows all over the bike path which was so nice and fun to follow. And we literally stopped and smelt the roses!!! Maybe lockdown is what we all needed????

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Lockdown Day 2

Lock down day two started and ended well. Harry and Lucy spent the most part of the day outside in their makeshift woodwork factory (on the old shed slab/basketball court).  They make a table, tea towel rack, drill holder and drill bit holder. This was done completely unaided by me or Holly. I lacked motivation today but face timing some faves made it easier.  The Freeman Kindness Project is off to a roaring start, the kids are loving it and being creative with their ideas. They are helping each other and jumping to make all the beds in the morning, all hoping to win a prize a the end of each week.
We went for a walk/ride to high street road shops for a coffee and cookie for afternoon tea and explored different parts of the of the bike track.
Lets see what tomorrow brings!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Lockdown day 1

So I thought I would document what we are going through on this blog. Today is day one of shutdown. We are technically not in lockdown yet but it is very similar. On Sunday night (2 nights ago) Daniel Andrews our state leader, went against the advise of PM Scott Morrison and Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy and made the call to close all schools in Victoria and non essential businesses. So Monday was our last day of school and work for me. It was very strange knowing that we may not be back for some time. The million dollar question is how long for? We have 3 weeks until school holidays finish, however it seems we won't be physically going back to school/work.  The schools have prepared as best as they can, under pressure and time constraints to put together online learning protocols, home learning packs and are gearing up to learn from home.  The kids will essentially won't be doing homeschooling, but they will be doing a form of home work.

These times are unprecedented and we are in the middle of a world wide pandemic. We are all in the same boat.  Yes we are in school holidays, however we are literally stuck at home. Normally we would be out most day, away, camping, catching up with friends, playdates. but now we are confined to our house.

So today marked Day 1 of shutdown.
We are trying to stick to a stick schedule of breakfast/dressed/recess/lunch/afternoon tea/dinner.
everything else in between new each day.
Today we made posters of things we can do at home. We all came up with loads of ideas.
We decorated the house for Easter.
Holly had a bit of a meltdown this morning when reality actually hit her and she understood what lockdown truly meant. No friends, no sport, no friends.
Aunty Ricci got us through that one on a nice long FaceTime call and helped her through it.
Harry and Lucy spent the better part of the day outside using power drills. They found loads of off cut timber and drilled away for hours, they even made a working windmill!
We facetimed Belinda in LA for an hour, they are in total lock down there, only allowed to go out for essentials.
We walked Macy down to the local coffee shop, who are open only for take aways for coffee and milkshakes and Holly found a hairdresser open who agreed to cut her hair!
The kids Facetimed Chilli and Ivy which they have committed to doing daily.
We had dinner and now a movie - Tomorrowland.   All in all a successful first day ... although i am fully aware it is still a novelty and shit is bound to get real in a week or so!

On a more sombre note, the number of cases in Australia has surpassed 2000 today and 8 people have died. One week ago there were only 290 cases in Australia. Fingers crossed these self isolation measures start to work soon.

This is what staying at home looks like