Sunday, April 12, 2020

Lockdown day 20 cont ...

Oh and Holly braided mine and Lucy’s hair

Lockdown day 20

Happy Easter! The Easter bunny came and was very generous. We all ate chocolate all day! We cut down the tree, ate more chocolate, Andrew cooked a lamb roast, we ate more chocolate. Briony dropped off some Easter treats, we ate more chocolate. We Zoomed with the Norrie’s and ate more chocolate and finished the night off with a family movie night, Julie and Julia

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Lockdown day 19

While I had a sneaky sleep on the couch, Lucy YouTube’d “how to finger knit”. I ole up to 2 meters of knitting!
Also while I slept, Holly and Harry joined in on the end of a LEGO challenge with Chilli and Ivy and Uncle Karl, they made a scene from Jurassic Park!
Andrew, Holly and Harry went for a run.
And tonight the Easter Bunny comes!!!

Friday, April 10, 2020

Lockdown day 18

Lots of work outside today, cutting trees down and cleaning up the backyard in anticipation for the landscaper coming next week. 
Fish and chips and a family zoom for Good Friday dinner!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Lockdown day 17

Lucy Lasted the night in the bath last night!
Today we had a box challenge, some very cool creations! Lots of time spent outside, the sun was shining! School officially goes online next week, and I will be working from home also. 
I’m selling stuff on marketplace and clearing a lot out ... when o have the motivation!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Lockdown day 16

Lots of craft again, LEGO comps, hide and seek, work conference calls. A big walk, kids joined into a random social distancing running group and attempted walking half way home with their eyes closed.
San Choy bow for dinner, Lucy sleeping in the bath and Harry in the tent in the deck! 

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Lockdown day 15

The girls spent most of the day making crayon melts.
Harry spoke to Marley on FT. Holly read and did her nails.
I did the groceries.

Lockdown Day 14

No pics ... a very quiet day after a big night in

Monday, April 6, 2020