This kid is awesome! She is first up, bed made, dressed (even lays her clothes out the night before) often makes us breakfast - omelettes with garnish! She mss as kee is coffee each day and now has taken to folding the washing without being asked!!! I love you Lucy so much baby cakes and not for all the helpful things you do but for the kind and loving and smart and quirky kid you are 😘
Love these pics of my beautiful girl! She sold 16 out of 20 pairs of earrings in the first 4 days!!!
Harry Barry!!! You lost 2 teeth in one day!!!!
You fly under the radar most days keeping to yourself but you always have time for a cuddle xx

Andrew and I were both busy with work yesterday, when we both came out for lunch around 1pm from different ends of the house this is how we looked! Business upstairs party down below!!!

Andrew and I were both busy with work yesterday, when we both came out for lunch around 1pm from different ends of the house this is how we looked! Business upstairs party down below!!!