Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Look at me, I can lift my own head!!!

The girls went on a road trip to Byron Bay for the day, Mum bought me this ace hat... cool hey?

oh no! they are trying to embarass me already. What hope have i got!!!

Our Family Freeman

4 generations..... pretty impressive!


The girls

In my Party dress for Tani & Jy's wedding

My friend Alexandra ... hmmm, not too sure about her yet.

so teeny tiny!
Hands off, don't touch, these are my parents!!
Cute as a button!

These are my cousins!
Just hangin out in the shower

Sound asleep
Look Mum, no pants!

Since we last spoke, I have turned into a frequent flyer! My first trip was to the Gold Coast to visit Nanny and Pa .... They were great! They took me for long walks and played with me for a whole week! It was great! I also met my Aunty Marg, Aunty Tan, My great Nan and Pop and my beautiful cousins, Poppy, Lucy Love and Sunny.
I also went to Sydney last week and met my great Grandma Norrie and my great-great-Aunty Wanda .... I am very lucky to have so many people who love me so much!