Tuesday, September 25, 2012


We had Ivrea over for the day (right up until bed time) The girls have known each other from birth, born 3 weeks apart. They have always got on really well and even though they really only catch up on the holidays now, it's like they saw each other yesterday. I hope they stay lifelong friends!

10 months ... Last week!

Well a lot has been going on this past month and I missed Lulu's 10 month update. She had her first flight to Qld where she met the rest of the family. She is now pulling herself up to standing, but not quite walking around furniture. She is eating a good 3 meals s day. She ate a whole sushi roll yesterday! She says Mama and Dada, but not in command and is still a placid little darling.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Jack and the Beanstalk

Last week Holly's school (pre prep to year 5) performed Jack and the beanstalk as their annual performance. Holly's class were little chickens- they were completely adorable and did a Stella job! We have realized though that nerves see Hol running for the loo!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My Godson

After a week on the Gold Coast, We packed up the car and drove to Brisbane. We spent 3 day with our very dear friends The Loadsmans, catching up in person over bottles of wine! I was honored to be asked to be A Godmother to William. We had the baptism on Sunday followed by a party for all 3 kids. It was a great weekend ... Thanks for having us!! Xx

Real carrots!

Finally, my little vege patch produced something more than carrot nubs or coil like carrots! We were very excited to pull these out this morning!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Introducing Miss Sophie Isobel

This is my darling niece who arrived when I was in New York. She is beautiful just like her Mama.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Aunty Ricci and Uncle Pete's Wedding!

Excuse the photos, my camera missed the flight to the Gold Coast. These are from my phone.
The wedding of the year was a huge hit, Mr and Mrs Norrie looked stunning and blissfully happy. It was such a perfect wedding and reception.
We love you both xx

Pete and Ricci

Gold Coast

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Crazy couch photos

Daddy is in Warrnbool tonight doing auctions, these were his "goodnight" photos xx