Thursday, July 9, 2020

“THE SECOND WAVE” Lockdown Day 1

Today marks day 1 of Victoria’s second lockdown. There are again only the same 4 reasons to leave home. We have had cases in. I’ve for over a week in the 100’s. Today was 165 two days ago 191.
This is set in place for 6 weeks. 
Today was cruisy, LEGO, playing, kids independently decided to give their bedrooms makeovers! And Harry made afternoon tea! We went on a 6 km bike ride and Lucy is apparently gearing up to sleep in the bath! 
A timely gift of gin arrived at my front doorstep this afternoon from Vic, timing couldn’t have been better!

Monday, July 6, 2020

Cousins ...

Pancake Parlour catch up for twins birthday 

Sleepovers with Cooper’s!

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Last of the birthday celebrations

A fun. Ishtar with 5 mates. Jason, Riku, Johnny, Aiden and Reuben. Lots of fun playing on the tramp, roasting Marshmellows on the fire and cap gun fights out side. A fun party finishing with a sleepover with Jason 😍


I took Harry to the barber today. Before I could say anything the barber was shaving his head with a number 2 clipper! I almost died and so did Harry! Lucky his hair grows quickly ... and we will be going back to our normal hairdresser! 

And little miss full of expression got the bob she has been begging for for the last few weeks! 

Lucy and Aiden play date

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Monday, June 29, 2020

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Playroom challenge

Seeing how long they could last in the playroom without leaving. Lasted 7 hours

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Friday, June 19, 2020

Happy 11 Beautiful Boy

Happy 11th birthday to our most favorite boy in the entire world. We just love you so much. You entered the world 11 years ago and have remained the sweetest kindest boy I have ever known, you are thoughtful and considerate and loving. You love your family more than anything. When I asked you recently what you would like if we won the lottery, you could have any toy or holiday you dreamed of you said “you and dad”.
You are quiet and a thinker more than a talker. You are imaginative and clever and can fix things that I can’t. You fixed our couches last week after they have been broken for months with out being asked, you just grabbed a tool box and fixed them.
You love having fun and play so well with Holly and Luce. You are still a homebody and would prefer to be home than out. You beat me in chess and love early morning bike rides or runs with Dad, that’s your thing right now and you love the one on one time. Sport had been put on hold with COVID but you play soccer everyday at school. You love your cousins and beg to see Chill and Ivy every weekend. You love talking to Marley on FaceTime and are so good with your little cousins. You will still jump into bed with us and snuggle. Your bed wetting has just about stopped (yay).
We love you so much baby boy and although you are 11 you will always be my baby.

Thursday, June 18, 2020