Friday, February 4, 2011

A very HOT afternoon at Billabong Ranch

On our last day in Moama we ventured out of the park and went in search for Billabong Ranch.
It was so much fun for the kids, so many animals, so little time! It actually wasn't a time factor, but more a heat factor that made us leave, it was about 40 degrees & no shade - HOT HOT HOT!

This was the cutest little barn, it had all the baby animals. We were all in heaven playing with the little puppies, kittens, guinea pigs, kangaroos, chickens, rabbits and geese.
Harry loved the little bluey.

Hollys favourite was definately the kitten

Meet Custard.
Holly had her very first Pony ride.
She absolutly loved it!
Andrew was very scared that she was going to start asking for a pony.

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