Thursday, March 22, 2012

Lucy 4 months

 Miss Lucy is now 4 months old.
She is such an inquisitive little girl, always watching us and following us all with her eyes. She seems to take everything in.  She loves to be read to which I have only just started doing.  She has the biggest gummiest grin, and when she flashes that smile it makes the sleepless nights all worthwhile.  She is actually sleeping pretty well, she seems to sleep 12 hours for 3 or 4 nights then for the next few nights will wake at 3.
She gurgles and goo's and gaa's and giggles.  The other day at her 4 month injections the nurse was trying to administer the oral medication (part of the immunization) and she had trouble giving it to her and she was giggling so much it kept coming out. Poor little munchkin had no idea what was coming next - I swear she would have sworn at me if she had of know the words!

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