Friday, October 4, 2013

Time to go under ... Again!

I swear I punched a doctor in the face in a previous life. I have had the worst medical luck.
This time a horrendously infected wisdom tooth, that has made my whole left side of my face swollen and I can't open my mouth at all ... Noice! 

We are all were meant to be flying to the GC tonight for Pops 90th, I really wanted to be there for him. It was also to see Nan, before she got any worse and to celebrate Pol's, Ricci's and Jys birthdays on Saturday night.

Andrew and the kids will all still be there though so hopefully lots of photos to follow.

I always get a bit funny before going under a general, I have the best Husband and kids anyone could seriously ask for.
And I freak out that something will go wrong. So just letting you 4 unbelievably beautiful people know you are the lights of my life and I love you with every ounce of being that I have within me.

Have a great trip to QLD my loves and I can't wait to see your smiling faces when you come home.

Love you all to infinity and beyond xxxx

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