Thursday, June 1, 2017

Great Story Harry!

As I have mentioned in earlier posts, Harry struggles with his writing and spelling.  His reading is fine and comprehension great, but we are working hard on the writing and spelling still.  Every night he has to write 4 or 5 lines with text of his choice.  He then has to edit it himself.  He generally writes about his weekend, things he's done, things he's looking forward too or recently factual pieces on push bikes vs motor bikes (??). He always come up with the ideas himself.  It is more often than not like pulling teeth to get him to get him to start, but he does it every night of the week.  A couple of weeks ago, he disappeared into his bedroom but was very vocal about not wanting to be disturbed!  He came out with this story.  I will re type it word for word (without the spelling mistakes).  I love it. Even though his writing and spelling needs some work, his imagination and thought process is just awesome.   Love this kid.

"Mr Green Snowman wanted to play with Mr Card, but Mr Card did not want to play with Mr Green Snowman.  I got you this time said Mr Green Snowman! NOOOOO said Mr Card, he was running.
Finally he got a break because he found a sign that was advertising cards.  Mr Card hid on the sign to camouflage.  "Wow it is really hard to stick on a sign" he finally fell off.  I got ya said Mr Green Snowman, now I can play with you said Mr Green Snowman.  OUCH! Paper cut! So Mr Card escaped and got lost and never to be seen again."

The best!

Another couple that I liked and were pretty random were:

"Some things are round like a ball.  Most windows are not round.  But all Clogs have to be round to work"

"When i put a tissue on my nose and blow or blow air from my nose it will go into the atmosphere.  It is so cool!"

"Ways to be sustainable:  we can go to school and do nude food and everyday have shorter showers."

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