Sunday, November 15, 2020

Happy 9th Birthday

Happy birthday to our deliciously delightful amazing kiddo LUCY!!! You are a rock star kid and we love you a gazillion times over! You make us laugh, you are smart and funny and full of creativity. You are fiery and thoughtful and can fly off the handle and be back to calm in a nano second. You love Holly and Harry more than they know and look up to everything they do.
You have been amazing this year and have taken lockdown in your stride, you have played and played and played, you and Harry especially have had so much fun together, making cubbies, building things and plying LEGO together.
We hope you have the very best year ahead being 9. I can’t believe my baby is 9!!! We are so proud of you darling girl and we just love everything about you. Enjoy your new rollerblades!!! Love Mum xx

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