Thursday, July 25, 2024

A bit of a scare

On Sunday afternoon Andrew and I went for a walk to Bunnings. On the way home walking up the hill my heart started racing. I lay down to slow it down, this has happened before and it normally slows within minutes. This time it didn’t slow. We slowly walked home and I lay down. I put my Apple Watch on to check my heart rate and it was jumping from 190 - 70 - 120 - 180 in the space of seconds. I thought my watch was broken. I tried on Andrew’s watch, which is a bit more dance than mine and had an ECG function. It read inconclusive- Andrew tried it and it worked perfectly. So we took a trip to the Victorian Heart Hospital. It took then 6 hours with the help of medication to get the rate under 100 but my heart was out of rhythm. I had Ateil Fibrillation. There were going to shock me but thought they would wait and see if it naturally went back into rhythm. Lucky for me I fell asleep at 2.30am and between then and 5am I went back into sinus rhythm (preferable rhythm). A scary experience, home now and will be under the care of a cardiologist. 

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