Showing posts with label outings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label outings. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A day at the Museum

 I remember the first picture of Holly on the "moon" at the museum ... she just looks so grown up now! She was probably only 1 when we first took her!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Lake Mountain

We loaded up the car (with enough clothes to last us a week!) and headed up to Marysville. It was the first time we have visited again since those catastrophic fires almost 2 years ago. The place is almost unrecognisable. We visited our friends, who are rebuilding. Only 19 of the 400+ homes in the area were saved.
We then layered up in our ski gear and headed up to lake mountain. Holly love it - a hell of a lot more than last time we took her! Harry was not so sure, but played around with us for a couple of hours. We finished with a pub meal in Healsville and pulled up at home with two completely zonked little Freemans! A successful trip to the snow!

Harry Pie was just too damn cute in this snowsuit! He reminded us of Maggie Simpson!
Finding his feet on the snow
Some serious tobogganing

My first snowman!! He even has a carrot for a nose!
Although snowmen and snowballs are fun, eating the snow was much more fun!
Mamma and Dadda just kept saying to watch out for yellow snow???