Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Melbourne winter = lots of indoor fun!

Today we had a Mamma and Holly day. Our plan kind of backfired though when the pantomime we went to see, scared the bejesus out of my darling girl. We left before half time and instead, found a cafe and had cake and milkshakes instead! We then caught up with our boys at a playcentre .... H & H both exhausted by bedtime :)
We were hiding from Mamma the other day and it took her ages to find us in the broom cupboard!

I made a very colourful catipillar out of an egg carton.

A very Freeman-Cooper week!

Aunty Gabe and Uncle Karl have been very busy moving house, so we were lucky enough to score their precious cargo for a couple of days!!!
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An afternoon of bowling last week, I had so much fun, and as usual (thanks to gutter guards!) I beat both Mamma and Daddy!!!!
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Monday, July 5, 2010

Through the eyes of a child ...

OK, so let me set the scene. Sunday night, Harry is asleep and Holly has declared that Mamma and Daddy are BOTH putting her to bed tonight. This apparently means twice the amount of stories. So teeth are brushed, hair is brushed, toileted and watered up, and the books have now been read. So part of the bedtime ritual here at ourfamilyfreeman is, after all of this, we have to tell Holly a story. It has to be a new one every night, so while Mamma is trying conjure up something new and wonderful, Andrew spots an eyelash on Holly's cheek (just near her nose). He swipes it up with his index finger and presses it with his thumb and says, "up or down?" Holly is bit confused and eventually says "up?". Andrew then says "Now make a wish and blow" Holly looks, thinks for a second, and blows his finger. It was a very innocent and sweet moment.
However, the next thing we know, Holly is picking her nose (digging deep!), pulls her finger out and says, "up or down?" and then tells Andrew to "blow, daddy, blow the booger away!!" The moment had totally been lost in translation. She had thought he had picked a booger off her nose/cheek!!
I swear I have not laughed so hard in a long time!!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

One Baptism, One Birthday and One Happy Harry

Above, my amazing God-parents Aunty Pol and Miles (minus an Uncle!).
After a mass of house guests and one kick arse 1st birthday party for 100 of my closest family and friends, ourfamilyfreeman has returned to life as normal.
Mamma is back in the blogosphere, and below, has the photographic evidence to show that I am one very loved little boy.
Thank you to everyone who helped me celebrate this very special occasion. Especially my Aunty Pol, who flew all the way down and spoilt me rotton and gave me lots of love and snuggles (and for bringing Marley for us to dote over). Thank you Nanny and Pa and of course to my Uncle Twinnies and thiere lovely ladies who all just made it a perfect celebration!
Ps, Mamma says sorry for all the great photos that haven't been posted - just too many to blog!

Thank you Nanny and Papee for making my birthday such a memorable and happy one. I love my rocking lion (we are friends now!) I love you and can't wait to see you both again real soon xx

Happy Harry was certainly the star of the show, if you were there, you saw him in action, if you weren't, he giggled and squealed, chattered and laughed at the priest from the moment we entered the church!
cruisin in my new wheels - Mamma and Dadda - how did you know!

A very proud Nanny and Papee with ALL thier Grandies!

Our Family Freeman - on our way to the church.
Happy Birthday to you

In my earlier post last week, I mentioned the "Bella and the cake" incident.
This is her work, lucky for me I have a sense of humor ... thats not to say that I still don't want to kill her!

Thank you so much to my loving God parents, Aunty Pol and Uncle Filippo (and god-cousin!) for my shiny red tricycle. I love it and even though I don't have my tric licence yet ....
I will clean the wheels until I can ride it! Thank you so much - I am very lucky to have you in my life xx

cutie cousins

too cute, check out those teeth!

what a sweet heart, quite content to have his face painted by all xx

and the kids went crazy on Uncle Tim and Nanny!

Thanks Aunty Gabe for the mo, and to Aunty Uyen and Winny as well for painting all those crazy beautiful faces xx
oh and we rocked too - painting your own face is SO much more fun!

Aunty Wicci and Aunty Pol

Mamma should know by now that when the Norrie Aunty and Uncles arrive .... she will have a headache in the morning!~
Daddy and Winnie ... sprung ... deep frying!

and when Dadda drinks too much pinot .... funny things are bound to happen

Marley - Sprung - Yes he WAS the culprit!
Holding all the evidence - he takes ALL responsibility!

Nigh night Dadda xx

Happy belated Birthday tiny love ...

Happy 1st birthday gorgeous boy.
To the sweetest and happiest little boy ....
we love you more than you may ever know xx

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Where there is helium there is always fun ... more to follow soon!

A night of musical beds, a $160 cake eaten by the dog, 20 kids faces painted, 30 adults faces painted ... coloured by the kids, 2 cases of pinot noir, 6 slabs and and a dozen champagnes, and one baptised and birthdayed out Happy Harry!
Photos to follow when Mamma soberes up!

Monday, June 14, 2010

This is no little stray lost dog .... Its Harry!
We all had a great time dressing up at Mia's 4th birthday party today.
The animal party was a hit ... our little "Bella" was quite happy to stay in his costume all afternoon! The fact that is was less than 10 degrees could have had something to do with it!
ps, the costume was made by Mamma with love xx

gorgeous cousins celebrating Ivy Dolls 1st bday ... Happy Birthday Doll xx