Saturday, March 1, 2014

Another little birthday celebration with the cousins at Queenscliff x

More from Queenscliff

Rollerskates for her 7th Birthday!

Beautiful 7 year old

Happy 7th Birthday to my little Moo Moo. 
7 years and you have turned into a little lady, full of energy, enthusiasm, questions and love. You are smarter than me beautiful, and I love your love for learning. If I could bottle you right now I would, but I am also so excited to see what becomes of you, you have a whole world ahead of you and I know that you just embrace every new thing that comes your way. You truly are a special little girl that I just love and adore more than words could ever say. 
Happy Birthday Moo xx

 Circus School Party with 8 of your little girlfriends. Ivrea, Chloe, Taneisha, Kailey, Elisa, Ella, Layla and Annabelle (and of course Harry!) You almost got your front tooth knocked out at your party!!!

Holiday fun

More holiday fun

Yes, I am very slack! But I vowed next time I was playing receptionist at the office, that this would be my first priority!
These are some of our summer holiday snaps, mostly just hanging around, lots of water play and lots of outings. We have had a really fun summer xx

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Friday, January 17, 2014

Wednesday, January 15, 2014