Saturday, August 24, 2024

Roses house

Deb prep

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Taylors 17th

Sunday, August 11, 2024

How we roll on Sundays …

RMIT tour this morning. Absolutely amazing to see my baby so excited and passionate about her future!!! We both walked out crying!!! I cannot describe the happiness I felt seeing her so excited about her future! 

These two spent the arvo at the footy! 

Finished with a call from Harry asking me to pick him up as he fell off his bike … he could barely walk and has hurt his hip. Hopefully it’s a pulled muscle 

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

I’m so proud of you Harry!!!
He finished his resume, with a bit of help but an eager attitude, submitted it online and made a follow up call to Hungry Jacks. Today I drove harry to HJ and he walked in with his head held high full of confidence- 20 mins later he walked out with a job after an interview!!!!
Well done buddy, love you and proud of you xx

Another student free day

A day out with Olivia to the movies and shops then home to build forts!

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Thursday, July 25, 2024

A bit of a scare

On Sunday afternoon Andrew and I went for a walk to Bunnings. On the way home walking up the hill my heart started racing. I lay down to slow it down, this has happened before and it normally slows within minutes. This time it didn’t slow. We slowly walked home and I lay down. I put my Apple Watch on to check my heart rate and it was jumping from 190 - 70 - 120 - 180 in the space of seconds. I thought my watch was broken. I tried on Andrew’s watch, which is a bit more dance than mine and had an ECG function. It read inconclusive- Andrew tried it and it worked perfectly. So we took a trip to the Victorian Heart Hospital. It took then 6 hours with the help of medication to get the rate under 100 but my heart was out of rhythm. I had Ateil Fibrillation. There were going to shock me but thought they would wait and see if it naturally went back into rhythm. Lucky for me I fell asleep at 2.30am and between then and 5am I went back into sinus rhythm (preferable rhythm). A scary experience, home now and will be under the care of a cardiologist. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Happy 18 years to us!

We didn’t get any photos but celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary this week! 
Through the highs and lows our love and respect for each other had always been consistent. Thank you love for genuinely being the best husband. You are thoughtful and kind and always put us first. I deeply adore and love you more than the day we got married. You still make me laugh, we still have fun and always have each others backs. I couldn’t imagine my life without you in it. You make my life better in every way - even when you are being stubborn!
We spent the night in the city, dinner and some comedy ❤️
I love the porcelain earrings - porcelain anniversary! 
Love you and our life together xxx 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Winners are grinners