Thursday, December 10, 2009

Our little Harry Pie is a week and a half off turning 6 months .... man time flies!
We had his 6 month check up the other day and as suspected he is growing perfectly! With his 3 hourly midnight feasts it came as no surprise that he had a massive growth spurt ... it was more than a spurt, he shot up 5cms in 8 weeks! Poor little monkey must be exhausted! His height was in the 75th percentile. Harry weighed in at 7.28 - which is a little low and only in the 25th percentile - to be expected though with a growth spurt. Anyway enough rambling about his vitals ... He is EATING!! Hooray! We started out with some cereal - he wasn't too keen on it - a bit bland, then we moved straight on to some pumpkin. Our little monkey was thrilled to get some real food in his gob and ate the whole amount I made - which was meant for a couple of days! He is now on a strict routine and loving it. We love you Harry Barry - you are an angel xx

first mouthful of pumpkin

1 comment:

My Sons Mum said...

i think your cousin Olive is having a growth spurt too. So hungry, so hungry, so very very hungry!