2 nights ago this tiny little door appeared in our hallway next to Holly and Harrys bedrooms. We were quite miffed at how it got there and amazed at the intricate details. however this morning the mystery was solved, we woke up to fairy dust all over the door and carpet and a tiny little letter rolled in a scroll and tied in pink ribbon. The letter explained that the fairys loved our house so much that they decided to build a door so they could come and go as they pleased. The letter was written by Twinkle Daisy who announced that she was Hollys very own personal fairy!!!
Holly is in 7th heven right about now and is whispering little secrets and messages to the fairys all day!!! She asked me to take this photo this morning so she could take it to Kinda for show and tell - it was a hit!
Oh too cute! Have you seen the outside versions of these too? We have our eye on one of them. Reminds me of Spike Milligan- he used to write letters to his children from the fairies- they used magnifying glasses to read the teeny tiny little writing. Could weep just thinking about it!
oh you should see the letters our fairies leave, they are in the teeniest writing on tiny little scrolls. Its the cutest thing ever! Yeah i have seen the outdoor ones, i just loved the idea of this one being in the house and something for the kids to wake up to! how are you anyway, just going to have a look at your blog now .....
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