Saturday, February 4, 2012

First day at Billanook - Pre Prep

 Our beautiful Holly had her first day at Billanook College on Wednesday.  She has started pre prep there and will be going 3 days a week 8.45 - 3pm. 
She was SO excited and had "so much fun!".  She happily waved goodbye and gave both Harry, Lucy and I a kiss and hug and walked off and sat on the mat with the other kids.  When I picked her up, she talked the whole way home (25 minutes!) and seemed like she had grown up by about 3 years!  She made a few friends on the first day and has had a ball every other day. 
She was telling me about something really funny that had happened in the sports class and said "it was SOOOO funny Mama, I totally laughed my hips out!!" I think she meant, laugh her head off!  Holly had the funniest way of mixing up sayings at the moment and Andrew and I are constantly laughing at what she comes out with.
Her Teacher is Miss Hollie, and at dinner time on her first day, she asked if she could change her name and spell it like Miss Hollies!  I think she is going to have a great year and be well and truly ready for Prep in 2013!

1 comment:

Green Mama said...

Bless... So grown up these cherubs. I love their big grown up shoes, crack me up every time