Sunday, April 28, 2013

Hey HUSBAND, stop hijacking my blog with inappropriate innuendo!

Today Daddy caught Lulu fisting his car. Lulu, stop that!


Green Mama said...

There was not a soul touched by this. I wondered what fisting was. I googled it. I wished I didn't. Then I wondered why and how such a nice girl as yourself know what fisting is... silver lining is all the new visitors to your blog who will be quite disappointed in your version of fisting! And now I've said fisting four times...

Freeman said...

Ha ha ha ha! Let's just hope with SEO it doesn't pop up at number on on google when you type in fisting!

little chicken house said...

We laughed and laughed and laughed........and then wondered HOW we knew what fisting was without googling it. And then felt awkward Andrew knew what it was too.....and then remembered he's our son's godfather and we went very quiet. The end.