Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Our first camping trip!

After many years of claiming that the only place I would ever camp would be the Hilton, I anxiously agreed to give it a go.

Admittedly we only went 20 minutes from home (don't ask where it is, its now our treasured secret!) but it was bush, we did it in tents and didn't shower all weekend. I even mastered the bush wee! Too much information I know!

We had the best weekend, 20 of us camping, being at one with nature and 10 little cousins having the time of their lives playing in dirt for 3 days!

I just adore my family and feel so blessed that we have each other and all live each other so much.

On the down side, we all have colds, it took me 2 days to unpack and I did 10 loads of washing!


Green Mama said...

One of the tings that sealed the deal for Raph and I was our mutual aversion to camping. Only stars I'm interested in sleeping under are 5 stars. The only way camping would appeal would be if I had a staff of ten taking care of all the yukky parts ie the packing up. That would kill me. How'd the kids go sleeping?

Freeman said...

It was awesome! The kids all slept like babies, Absolutly knackered after exploring and playing in the dirt all day. There was 20 of us and the cousins all had the best time ever. We were comfy and warm and I now can't wait to go again! Seriously you should try it, I was exactly the se as you and now I'm converted!!!

Green Mama said...

I'm in. Minus the camping. And minus the kids. And the blokes. Just the girls, a day spa of some description and champooch. Keep it coming!

Freeman said...
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Freeman said...

Oh you big wuss! I'm sure I only saw 1 bird too .... I think??!!