Saturday, March 7, 2015


What grade are you in right now?
HARRY: Foundation - Miss K.

What do you like about school?
HARRY: PMP -playing games on a Friday, we did skipping this week!

Who are your friends at school?
HARRY: Jason, Aiden, Oscar, Daniel,

What do you want to be when you grow up and why?
HARRY: Batman or a Ninja Turtle!

What is your favourite song?
HARRY: Shake it off by Taylor Swift

What is your favourite sport and why?
HARRY:  Football

How many people live in the world?
HARRY: Infinity.

Why is the sky blue?
HARRY:Because most people like that colour.

What is your favourite thing to do on the weekend?
HARRY: ride my bike in the court, playing lego and playing with my pull apart superheros

What would you do on a day that you could do anything in the world?
HARRY: Go to games (timezone!)

If you could invite someone over today to play who would it be?
HARRY: Oscar, because he came over for a polar this morning!

What is it that you love about your family so much?
HARRY: All the things they do with me, like if I ask them to play Ninja turtles they play it properly.

Favourite holiday so far?
HARRY: Camping with cousins

What does mummy look like?
HARRY: brown hair, like mum, tall, orange top

Finish this sentence ... I am awesome because .....
HARRY:  I can do a backwards somersault!

My favourite colour is?
HARRY: Blue and Green

Where does rain come from?
HARRY: from the clouds and then from the floor

What is your favourite food?
HARRY: Lasagne

What is your favourite toy?
HARRY: Swords and Lego

If you were invisible what would you do?
HARRY: pull someone's pants down!

Favourite Movie?
HARRY: Ninja Turtles

What is your favourite Book?
HARRY: Ninja Turtles

This is Harry at 5 and a half!

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