Showing posts with label Daily activities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daily activities. Show all posts

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dress ups

 I know Harry looks like he is being held to ransom, however this is actually his BIG smile! Holly and Harry had so much fun the other day pulling everything out of Hollys waredrobe and dressing up - Harry is wearing a dress, leggings, pink converse, a flower scarf and Hollys coat ... and the firemans hat to top it off!

SOOOO cute - I could just eat these two up!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Holly looks so big in this photo?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

An afternoon at the park

Today seemed like one of those looong days. Don't get me wrong, it was a good day, however when you are asked for what seems like the 100th time "when is Daddy coming home?" its long! Andrew was in Sydney for one night (yes only one night) but to Holly it somehow felt like a week?! She woke up asking when he would be home and didn't stop until he walked in the door at 6pm! So at 3pm, I bundled my treasures into the bike trailer, put the dog on the lead and spent the afternoon at the park.
And by the way, it worked, it took her mind off it for, ummm, a whole 10 minutes!

by the way, Harry did have gastro, and is slowly getting better :)

Friday, October 22, 2010

A bucket of fun!

Tonight we ate sinapore noodles on the deck. If you have never seen a 16 month old boy eat sinapore noodles unassisted, just imagine tipping a bowl of them in the washing machine and watching them stick to every piece of clothing! He was a mess! I grabbed a bucket of warm water, and well, the pictures speak for themselves!

He couldn't have been happier!

Then he started rocking ...
and rocking ...

oh, there he goes!

and the game was over! This also defeated the whole purpose of the exercise, he was then covered in grass!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Chesterfield Farm

This afternoon we wandered down to Chesterfield Farm, for two reasons. One: today is the last day of sunshine for what looks like an eternity, and two: Holly is obsessed with these bunnies!
She must have sat with them for two hours. She picked them up, swapped them, put them down, named them, cuddled them, tried to put them down her top .... she just adores them.
Don't be surprised if one day a post pops up about our new pet... Thumper!
Ha ha, this photo just makes me laugh, its our little piggy, sitting quite comfortably with this drift of little piggies!

Harry was really funny, he sat and tried to steal the pellets out of the food tray, he was actually elbowing them away!

Harry and the Llama
Someone accidently left out these gorgeous little chicks, Holly and I were tempted to pop one in our pockets and take it home.

Harry and the lamb .... oh and we just had a very tasty rack of lamb for dinner ... too much information?

Let us in Dad!!! How cute are these matching pj's! I just love them and have been dying for Harry to grow into his.
Harry now eats all his meals at the bench like a big kid, he loves it, and actually eats so much better.

These two little monkeys are looking a bit sheepish, they are watching the glazier replace the window that Harry's head went through! It sounds a lot worse than it was, he smashed the window and came out completely unscathed, jumped up, laughed and walked off!

Friday, October 1, 2010

A day at the park

We had a lovely day today, with two nice long park visits.
Harry discovered he loves sand.

These two monkeys have the funniest fascination with cleaning their teeth! Its so funny, if Harry disappears, you can almost put money on it that he is in the bathroom brushing his teeth!

Testing out the Hammock swing we bought in Bali.

Give him a ladder and he will climb!

If it is less than two foot tall, Harry will climb it! Our house has turned into a gigantic climbing fun park as far as Harry Pie is concerned. He is into EVERYTHING!!! We are seeing a MASSIVE difference in boys vs girls. Holly was always quite content to sit and play and troddle around following me. Child locks were optional we and didn't need to move too much stuff. However, we now have child locks on everything, all stools and tiny seating have been removed, and all bathroom doors must be closed. I caught him sitting on the table on the deck last week. Nice.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The sun has finally come out!

soaking up the much missed rays.