Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas Day

We had such a wonderful Christmas day. We had a minor meltdown on christmas eve - we put out an SOS call to Liz (Grandma) - who drove straight over to look after the kids while we prepared for the next day. The day was perfect and I think I can probably say the best christmas so far.
We hosted the day at our house and had 33 people for a sit down 4 course meal. Included in that was 15 kids! We had 20 stay the night (plus 5 that bailed just before midnight due to little twinnies that wouldn't sleep!) and of that 4 and a dog slept in the cubby!
Everyone had a blast and a big thank you to our amazing Daddy for cooking up a mouthwatering feast. Although everyone was quite slow to move in the morning we had a big cook up on the BBQ.
We can't wait to do it again!
Pa dressed up as Santa to give us all our presents

Holly and Amelie hiding while i was trying to pack the next afternoon!

Christmas Day

waiting for "Pa-Santa" to arrive

All the cousins together!

These two were just so gorgeous on christmas morning. All Holly wanted from Santa was lipstick and when she found it in her santa sack she was beside herself! Harry was completly engrossed in ripping paper - and a massive smile everytime he got to the bottom of another gift.

Xmas Morning!

The night before christmas, sprinkling reindeer food on the lawn - we needed to be sure that they would know where to land.

Ta DA! The finished product - Santa was kind enough to deliver a slide, stairs, door and a sandpit full of toys!! The kids were just beside themselves.

and a nice shady spot to play when its hot.

Construction photo shoot!

We did not tell her to pose like this! she was just lying there and we took some snaps!

Up goes the cubby!

Our dear dear friend Miles (Harrys Godfather) slaved for days with the help of Daddy to build us the most amazing cubby house in the world! It was the best christmas present ever! Thank you so much xx
slave labour?

Great friends

up it goes!

iPhone snaps

Hollys last day at Tyner Road. She was very sad to say goodbye to the gorgeous Stacey.

Aunty Belinda stayed with us for a week before christmas. We had SO much fun, relaxing and catching up. This was at Fed square, we went and had a look at the Disney still print exhibition.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

9 Sleeps til Christmas!!

Tourists in our own city!

Life has been hectic here at ourfamilyfreeman. With Andrew starting a new job, Christmas now only days away and Christmas presents being built in all the spare time (more to follow on that), we haven't had much family fun time at all. So last Sunday after being couped up inside for the day due to rain and power tools on the deck, we headed into the city to see this years Myer windows. They were gorgeous as usual, this years theme, The Nutcracker, which was great as Holly and I have been reading the story every other night! After seeing the windows in a record time of, oh about 6 minutes flat - it was 5pm and Holly declared - So when are we going to do something fun? We felt so bad that she was still waiting for the fun to begin, Andrew (gorgeous and quick thinking!) Ran to the corner and within minutes the 4 of us were on a horse and carriage ride around the city!! It was great, we felt like such tourists, but it was really fun! Harry LOVED the horses and Holly waved to everyone on the pavement. So faith was restored in Family Sunday Funday and we finished with an early dinner at the Supper Inn - one of our favourite restaurants in little Bourke st.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A change of scenery ...

Tonight Mamma thought a change of routine would do us all good. And boy, was she right, this was the most fun we have had getting clean in ages (apart from our bath on the deck a few weeks ago!)

I am considering doing this more often, there was less mess, and much easier on my back!

Up goes the tree!!!

Our Angel went on first!
only kidding

nope, he is pretty cute, maybe he can stay!

PS, do you like my photo wall in the back ground???

and as alway Holly and Daddy finished it off with the beautiful star on the top.

It has to be just right.

Some random iPhone snaps ...

Holly took this one herself this afternoon, so cute xx
Happy Birthday Dadda!!!
We love you so much and hope you had a super birthday and a nice and relaxed little shindig on sunday. We all think you are AWESOME and love you to pieces xx

Holly and Harry were "knighted" by Loz and Shane on Saturday at Lozzys Uni graduation bbq. They did feel very special being knighted with a rolling pin!

A Little project that I have been working on for the last week or so. It really looks much better in the flesh! You like?