Thursday, June 21, 2012

Elmo's world tour

 Last week Harry and I (and Lulu) went to the Elmo's World Tour Concert! ROCK ON!!!
He loved it. A big thank you to the Staffords for the ticket for his birthday xx

Miss Lulu

An afternoon of playdough

Visitors last month ...

 Yes this is a very late post, Nanny and Pa dropped in for a very fleeting visit at the end of last month. They dropped G.G off at our house for a whole week. It was so nice to spend a week with our great Grandma xx
 G.G - 85 and still going strong xx

Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday Funny

This morning on the drive to school Lulu started grizzling. Lucy loves being sang to and the last few days when I have started singing to her in the car, she immediately stops crying.  I said to Holly;

Mummy: "Watch this Hol, she stops crying when I sing this song to her"
              "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy"
Holly:      "Mum she is not your son?"
Mummy:  "That's right? Why did you say that?"
Holly:      "You should be singing - You are my daughter-shine!!"

It took me a second to realize what she was saying, It was a great funny to start the day!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

What is that thing called love?

Thursday is library day at Billanook, a favourite for Holly. She loves to pick her new book out each week and bring it home and read it in bed that night.  Today she came home with a book titled 'What is that thing called love?'.
While I was waiting for Holly and Harry to settle down in bed so I could begin reading, I said to them "What does love mean?" The answers were priceless and perfect ...

Holly: "Its when you're really really really really really really (x20) best friends with someone" So true and honest, I love it!

Harry: "it 50, 250 hundred thousand love hearts" agghh!

Are they not the most gorgeous definitions of love by a 5 and almost 3 year old?

Friday, June 1, 2012

A few more from Aunty Pol ...

 Harry on the Moon at the Museum

Monday, May 28, 2012

Our little Tiger!

Dinner at the Pub on Friday night wtih friends - a face painter arrived!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

6 months old

 Last week marked Lulu's 6 month birthday.
Wow, how time flies.
Here is where our little sweet cheeks is at - 
She has started rolling from back to front, almost immediately after you put her down she rolls over.
She has started solids as of last week - actually the day she turned 6 months!
Lucy just love love loves to be held and snuggled - she adores being kissed and the centre of our attention
She is a quiet and more serious baby so far, she will throw out lots big gummy smiles, but is a little more reserved with her giggles - we really have to work for them.
She is very strong 
She loves the bath and splashes and thrashes about for a good 20 minutes every night - sometimes with her sister and brother in the bath too!
She loves to make sounds and gurgle that sweet baby tune
She sleeps mostly through the night, but is lately waking for her dummy. We are doing the nightly walk through the house to pop the dummy back in 2-3 times a night at the moment.
She will normally sleep 7pm-7am
She loves being read to before bed - part of our bed time ritual.
She loves lying in the playroom watching Holly and Harry.
She is fully formula fed now :( - as of 6 months.
She is much more aware of people and well and truly knows the sound of my voice above a crowd.
She is a gorgeous little placid girl who barely cries and is happy to be carted around where ever we go without a fuss.
We love you SO much Lucy xx

Buon Appetito!

 Lucys very first mouth full of food!
Lulu is eating, but not really all that interested.  She started a week ago and is having one meal a day. We started on rice cereal and have moved onto pumpkin, sweet potato and apple.
I think she will take a bit longer to warm up to the whole eating thing.
Holly and Harry were the first to feed her. They were so excited to feed her, and they did a stella job!


The Vicos come to Melbourne!

 We had been counting down the day until The Vicos came to town - They finally made it! It has been one year since I saw my sister! They stayed with us for a whole week and experienced the chaotic life of 3 kids! It wouldn't surprise me if Filippo has already booked himself in for "the snip" ha ha ha!
We had such a lovely week hanging out, just doing the everyday things - it was perfect. Marley is a little spunk and the kids all had a ball together. We are now counting down the days until "the BIG wedding" in September, where we will see everyone again.

 Harry and his Godparents

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A visit from the Hill Family

 Two weeks ago the Hill family travelled down from Brisbane to see us. It has been 5 years (almost 6) since they were here (for our wedding!) We all went down to Rye and stayed in an awesome house (that had every piece of kids and baby equipment you could imagine!). The weather was perfect, the kids got on like a house on fire and the company was second to none. It was so good to finally sit down and relax with Adam and Renee over a bottle of wine.  The kids got on so well that Holly and Sarah were both crying when they had to say goodbye (too cute!). That was two weeks ago and Holly is still asking when we will see them again!
We spent a whole morning in a park on the beach flying kites. It was one of those perfect days that they will remember for ever - days like these are what childhood memories are made of - and one that reminded us how awesome our kids are xx