Tuesday, August 31, 2010

14.5 months
I made some berry cupcakes today ... Oscar and I polished off half of them in the blink of an eye!

up and running ... well, waddling.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Boy Can WALK!!!

Our little bundle of love is 14 months tomorrow, and he can walk!!! Check him out, the cutest little fella on two legs. We love you Harry Barry xx

A birthday with her favourite pose'

We had a lovely little party yesterday for Mammas birthday. Mamma says she is so lucky to have the most amazing sister-in-laws anyone in the world could ever ask for!
And of course a darling Hubby and of course us!

Monday, August 16, 2010

A week of craft

Daddy was away all of last week in New Zealand, and it was raining all week, so Mamma and I got cracking on some craft projects. We made a robot from Harrys nappy box ...
a beautiful pink sparkly butterfly mask (I did this one entirely on my own!)

we are watching baldy grow some hair ...

and we turned a mass of farm animals and underwater creatures into paddle pop puppets!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The camera loves you baby!

First photo shoot ...

So Andrew needs a photo for a marketing campaign - the photo needs to capture the future of tecnology. I would love any suggestions on which one of these you all like (for the first round anyway!)

Harry's 1st small steps

Although he is not quite walking yet, Harry has taken a few small steps. For the last few weeks, we get a sneek peek here and there, but the boy still prefers all fours!

It must be a boy thing?

Ha, Mamma, look what I can do!
Ha ha, I am too clever!

ah, ha, I can top it, TWO fingers, this just keeps getting better!

Mum, Look, surfing!

however, Mamma agrees, this is way more civilized!

breakfast on the bench .... Daddy style!

a few weeks ago we went met the "other Freemans" at Fed square for the afternoon - (we were meant to go to the Tim Burton exhibition but the line was from here to St Kilda and back)Anyway we ended up at the ferris wheel. I was on top of the world, litterally, but the real fun came after when we had a go on the big trampoline! Daddy and I had a go at the same time. I am so Brave now!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

A visit from Aunty Marg ...

My little movie star .... with the ultimate dilemma .... babyccino or milkshake?

just too many decisions

Retro mirrors at the Museum

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The rain has stopped...

so we headed down to the bike track this afternoon
I had a nice long ride on Harrys new bike

Aunty Katie and my 3 cousins came for a sleepover the other night.
We had so much fun. Mia and I stayed up chatting very late.
We loved playing with Indiana and Piper ..... until Pipe turned vampire and took a bite!!!!
My first black eye ... and beat up by a girl!
He he, thanks for a fun night xx

Monday, July 19, 2010

A quiet Sunday afternoon

Harry decided to feed himself yogurt while ...
Dadda cooked pizzas for dinner and ...

I rode around the house on Harrys bike.
Mamma was exhaused after doing Run Melbourne this morning. 10km's has left her lying on the floor most of the day!