Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Harry and the Llama
Someone accidently left out these gorgeous little chicks, Holly and I were tempted to pop one in our pockets and take it home.

Harry and the lamb .... oh and we just had a very tasty rack of lamb for dinner ... too much information?

I was SO close to taking one of these little babes home .... seriously!

she had a joey in her pouch and all.

Let us in Dad!!! How cute are these matching pj's! I just love them and have been dying for Harry to grow into his.
Harry now eats all his meals at the bench like a big kid, he loves it, and actually eats so much better.

These two little monkeys are looking a bit sheepish, they are watching the glazier replace the window that Harry's head went through! It sounds a lot worse than it was, he smashed the window and came out completely unscathed, jumped up, laughed and walked off!

A party in the park

Our boys ... a long afternoon in the park for Gingers 1st birthday.

Morning Funny

We had to laugh this morning ...
At about 7.30 this morning Holly called out from her bedroom - MUUUM ... MUUUUUM.
We called back to her to come into our room. She stopped calling out, but didn't come in.
This is totally not like her, she never stays in bed in the morning and loves to jump in with us. About 5 minutes later she came running in. I asked her, "Why were you calling out?" she replied "I was waiting for you to bring me breakfast in bed!" laughing I said, "what made you think I was bringing you breaky in bed honey?" "I stopped calling you cause I remembered it was just a dream!" Funny little monkey xx

Friday, October 1, 2010

A day at the park

We had a lovely day today, with two nice long park visits.
Harry discovered he loves sand.

These two monkeys have the funniest fascination with cleaning their teeth! Its so funny, if Harry disappears, you can almost put money on it that he is in the bathroom brushing his teeth!

Testing out the Hammock swing we bought in Bali.

Give him a ladder and he will climb!

If it is less than two foot tall, Harry will climb it! Our house has turned into a gigantic climbing fun park as far as Harry Pie is concerned. He is into EVERYTHING!!! We are seeing a MASSIVE difference in boys vs girls. Holly was always quite content to sit and play and troddle around following me. Child locks were optional we and didn't need to move too much stuff. However, we now have child locks on everything, all stools and tiny seating have been removed, and all bathroom doors must be closed. I caught him sitting on the table on the deck last week. Nice.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The sun has finally come out!

soaking up the much missed rays.


Happy 4th Birthday Ame!!!

Decorating the birthday cupcakes.
This was such a great idea as a party game, and it kept the kids entertainted for quite a while.

and Happy Birthday to Aunty Nickee too!!!

Aunty Gabe and Pipie

Little Gussy, looking all grown up