Sunday, June 19, 2022

We have a 13 year old!!

To the most beautiful boy I have ever met:
Happy Birthday Harry, you are now officially a teenager! I am not even sure when this happened but over the last 3 or so months, you have definitely transitioned into the next phase of your life. You have matured so much recently. You are still the softest, kindest most thoughtful boy I have ever come across. You have a natural tendency to do the right thing by people, it come innately to you, just like your dad. When you are interested in something you will give it your all, but otherwise not much phases you. The last 6 months have been tough starting high school, it was defiantly a shock to the system, but you seem to be getting a hold on it, and even though you will probably never love school, you seem to be adapting.  You have loads of friends, but you really know how to pick the good kids. You seem to get along with everyone, but your good mates seem to be good people. You are liking basketball and have just dropped soccer (unfortunately because we couldn't get a team together. You still love building things, you built a table last week! You love bike riding and were very surprised to get a new bike for your birthday!
We all just think you are awesome! You and Holly have a lovely bond and spend a lot of time together. You and Lucy still have a good time "playing" together and hopefully there is a bit more of that to come. You and Marley love to play playstation together at least 3-4 times a week, which is so cool that you have found a way to connect being so far apart! 
We love you so much beautiful boy, we love hanging out with you, listening to you, even your bad "Dad jokes"!! Please don't ever change who you are because you are wonderful!
love you forever baby xx

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