Showing posts with label Lucy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lucy. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

6 months old

 Last week marked Lulu's 6 month birthday.
Wow, how time flies.
Here is where our little sweet cheeks is at - 
She has started rolling from back to front, almost immediately after you put her down she rolls over.
She has started solids as of last week - actually the day she turned 6 months!
Lucy just love love loves to be held and snuggled - she adores being kissed and the centre of our attention
She is a quiet and more serious baby so far, she will throw out lots big gummy smiles, but is a little more reserved with her giggles - we really have to work for them.
She is very strong 
She loves the bath and splashes and thrashes about for a good 20 minutes every night - sometimes with her sister and brother in the bath too!
She loves to make sounds and gurgle that sweet baby tune
She sleeps mostly through the night, but is lately waking for her dummy. We are doing the nightly walk through the house to pop the dummy back in 2-3 times a night at the moment.
She will normally sleep 7pm-7am
She loves being read to before bed - part of our bed time ritual.
She loves lying in the playroom watching Holly and Harry.
She is fully formula fed now :( - as of 6 months.
She is much more aware of people and well and truly knows the sound of my voice above a crowd.
She is a gorgeous little placid girl who barely cries and is happy to be carted around where ever we go without a fuss.
We love you SO much Lucy xx

Buon Appetito!

 Lucys very first mouth full of food!
Lulu is eating, but not really all that interested.  She started a week ago and is having one meal a day. We started on rice cereal and have moved onto pumpkin, sweet potato and apple.
I think she will take a bit longer to warm up to the whole eating thing.
Holly and Harry were the first to feed her. They were so excited to feed her, and they did a stella job!


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Lucy 5 months old

Happy 5 months Lulu!
Time has just flown and it feel like little Lulu is not a little fragile baby any more. She is sitting up in the bumbo, jumping around in the jolly jumper and chatting all day long!  She is seriously the most easy going baby, she barely cries and just loves watching Holly and Harry.  She sleeps like a baby (ha ha!), 7pm-7am, lately she will wake in the night with her head jammed up against the cot rail, she spins around in her sleep and wakes herself up when she hits the edge! When I pick more her back to the middle, she doesn't even flinch and is asleep with in minutes. She is such a beautiful baby and I could kiss and stare at her all day long ... if only I had the time!  She rolled for the first time the other day, from back to front. She smiles and laughs and is just perfect xx

 Its funny on how everyone has an opinion on who your children look like.
However this close up could very easily be Harry.  I see a lot of Harry in Lucy now.  She looked a lot like Holly when she was born. I also think she is a lot like Katie as a baby and Mia?
Genetics are an amazing thing!

 On the bottle and almost off the boob ... how sad.
 Our little baby doll being wheeled around the house!
 Could be twins! Leopard and Lucy.
Did I ever mention how glad I am that I never had twins?
 loving that Jolly Jumper. Its such a good spot for it too. The doorway between the kitchen and playroom.

Lucy developed a strawberry spot when she was around 2 weeks old. From what we have been told and read up on, they seem to grow and then disappear around the age of two. I think its kind of cute.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Sleeping Lulu

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Lulu - 16 weeks

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Lucy - 3 months old

 Our teeny tiny little girl is 3 months old already! She is not so teeny tiny any more - she has just hit 5kgs. She is out of newborn nappies and had a growth spurt.  According to the health nurse she is "long and lean".  Her stats are almost identical to Holly's at the same age.
Lucy is just an angel. She is the most gorgeous baby and is still smothered with kisses and cuddles from all of us.
She is smiling a lot now and will smile on cue when you ask her. She is so placid and we can already tell has a very soft nature.  She slept through the night 7-7 at 12 weeks for 4 nights in a row, however has woken for a 3am feed for the past 3 nights??? Fingers crosses she remembers how to do it again real soon!  Lulu is so easy going - she barely cries and just loves to be held and talked too.  She is getting quite good at talking back to us now to and goo's and gaa's when we chat to her.
We love you Luce - Happy 3 months xx

Monday, January 16, 2012

9 weeks old ...

I am a little early. Tomorrow Lucy is 9 weeks old. Today was my first day at home with the 3 kids alone **AGHHH***
No it really wasn't that bad, I did have help, just not Andrew. He went back to work today after 4 weeks off.  All I remember this morning was a dust cloud as he sped off to work in record speeds... he was REALLY glad to be going back!  I think he would agree that a House-Husband is a pretty tough gig!  He did a stella job and I was sure the kids were going to whine all day asking where he was, but I think everyone was glad to be back in routine.  Miss Lulu is getting very strong and looks like a little turtle when she lifts her head, she loves having a bath and LOVES her rocking chair. She is still feeding 4 hourly day and night, but doesn't cry much and is most happy when being held. Fingers crossed the night sleeps start getting a little longer!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Lucy Lu - 8 weeks old today ...

 Miss Lucy is 8 weeks today, time really flies. I still can't quite believe how much has happened in 8 weeks.
I have one more week of not being able to hold my baby girl, and then she is all mine!
She is very alert and takes us all in, this little monkey has a lot to contend with, when she is up she is smothered in kisses and Holly especially begs us constantly to hold her! 
Lucy and I went for a walk today while Grandma took Holly and Harry to the movies to see Alvin and the Chipmunks.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

LuLu and Co.

 I feel as though I have hardly posted any photos of our gorgeous Lulu.  Between everything thats been going on, the camera hasn't made it out of the bag much. So here are a few of our darling little Lucy.
 Luce is 7 weeks old now and getting much bigger.  I am still not able to pick her up (which is killing me) only 10 day until can though! She is smiling and starting to goo and ga which is cute. Andrew is doing pretty much all the work, and seems to have her in his arms 24/7.  She is starting to settle a little bit better at night and we have had a couple of night where she has gone 5-6 hours between feeds ... fingers crossed this keeps stretching out! She is oh so sweet and at her happiest when we are just cuddling her xx